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Toda Split-Toe Socks Natural Cotton

Toda NobiNobi Socks: Natural Cotton

Toda makes the highest quality tabi-saki (split toe) socks in Japan for this price point. The 100% cotton construction is stretchy (nobinobi), breathable, and very durable. The high threadcount of the fabric makes these socks exceptionally comfortable and a class above other similar looking tabi-saki socks out there. Though not the color of choice for many people, the natural cotton prolongs the life and enhances the comfrot of these socks...and 12-tab jika-tabi completely cover the socks so you won't see them anyway.

This variety comes in two sizes: Medium (for 23-26.5cm) and Large (for 27-30cm). They stretch while worn but do not stretch out as they age and may run a little tight.

Currently unavailable outside Japan.
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